Recently, the number of W4 Water Repellent being sold has been very encouraging. Glad that market love and trust our product in solving their water leakage problem.
However, there are cases in which users did not follow the instruction of use. W4 gives the best performance when diluted with 10 TIMES of water. It can be further diluted (up to maximum of 50 times) in less-demanding cases. However, some users actually diluted less than the instructed amount (or even un-diluted), hoping that a more concentrated solution gives better performance.
It alarmed us that we need to improve on conveying the clear and right message to dealers, contractors and home owners. And it must start immediately.
W4 Water Repellent MUST be diluted with AT LEAST TEN TIMES of water. Without which, the chemical would not be able to penetrate deeply nor to cure completely. Moreover, insufficient dilution is more likely to cause surface staining. So, everybody, please bear it in mind.